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Audra Barkwell
Cornerstone Campus Ministry

A ministry of Cornerstone Christian Church
P.O. Box 17244 Tampa, FL 33682

Thank you so much for sharing our concern to reach college students with the Gospel!

Each month I send out a newsletter that contains student testimonies, updates, and prayer requests to my financial and prayer partners. Here you'll be able to find this month's newsletter, along with an archive of past newsletters.

February 2020 - Max

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Lord looked down from His sanctuary on high, from heaven He viewed the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.

Psalm 102:19-20

This semester is off to a great start! We’re already seeing students respond to the Gospel and getting plugged into the local church. This month we asked Max to share how he came to know Jesus and how he’s been growing in Christ since.

Back in Fall of 2018 I was required as an incoming student to go through orientation in order to understand the college life. I spent the day walking around campus, making friends and memorizing the facilities. After lunch, I was politely asked to take a survey and I agreed since I thought “Oh I’ll just be nice.” The first question racked my mind and struck me off guard: “At this point in your life, do you believe you will go to heaven when you die?” This is the part where I tell you that I had no idea. I had made many mistakes in my life and I never felt free from those, so I answered “No.” I had no Christian background. My parents were separated. My father was an atheist. My mother encouraged me as a child to go to church, but I never did. So, when the opportunity arose just to learn about what the Bible actually had to say I was interested. When I came back to start school, I was stopped again by another minister who asked if I wanted to take the survey. My major was in statistics, so I politely refused since I didn’t want to mess up the “sample data.” The Lord wasn’t going to let me off the hook that easily because then he asked if I had a moment to talk about what I thought of it all. We had a great conversation. That Sunday I found myself in church for the first time of my own volition and it was wonderful. The following week I attended a BBQ put on by the Cornerstone student group. There, the minister and I started talking more about God. We moved over to a café and actually opened up a Bible. In only 30 minutes I saw what Jesus did for me and I realized I wanted to put my trust in Him right away! After that moment, the grace of God has led me to become a better man, a better student, and a diligent steward of my time which God has given to me. I have discovered new promises from the Bible and God has started to change me as I leave behind the old way of living and embrace the life Christ died to give me. I love learning new things from the Bible and I am continually blessed by who it says I am. When I fail, I no longer turn towards despair or my own hurt. Now I turn towards Jesus as I am a son to God. I love the Lord. I love my new life with Him. I am learning to rule my life with His guidance through His word and I am empowered. It is the gift of His deliverance that has forever changed my...everything!

Max (middle) with friends


Spring Break Outreach Trip: In March we will be sending out two Spring Break outreach trips from our church to share the Gospel at the University of Central Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University. We expect to bring 60 students and staff to partner with local ministries in reaching their campus. These trips are a great opportunity for students to share what Jesus has done in their lives with other college students. I will be raising $300 for this trip. Would you consider making a contribution towards this trip and ongoing ministry expenses? Thank you!

Spring Break Contribution Print

Spring Break 2020 Outreach:
USF goes to the University of Central Florida

Yes! I would love to contribute a special gift of $_ to help cover the cost of Audra’s trip to The University of Central Florida and ongoing ministry expenses.

Please make checks payable to Cornerstone Campus Ministry and write account # 70 in the memo line and return along with this slip. Send contributions to:

Cornerstone Campus Ministry
P.O. Box 17244 Tampa, FL 33682-7244


Give online at www.CornerstoneTampa.org (follow instructions under the “Partnership” tab)
Include # 70 for fund number and Spring Break to be applied for the trip

We thank you so much for your partnership as you enable us to go out on the campus and reach this generation with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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