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About Me

Here's my story:

I became a Christian at an early age, but as I entered my teenage years I began to struggle in my walk with the Lord. Early in High School, I drew near to God and found a church where I was able to grow in faith and walk out my commitment to serve Christ with my whole life. I saw how important church membership was to spiritual growth, and I knew that the only way I was going to stay close to God while in college was to find a church. When I came to the University of South Florida, I met a campus minister who discipled me and encouraged me to share my testimony with other students. As a student at USF, I started a Bible study in my dorm with the help of that campus minister, and through it my roommate gave her life to Jesus. I also was a student Bible study leader during my last semester.

I graduated from USF on December 15, 2007, and was licensed by Cornerstone Christian Church to serve as a full-time campus evangelist. I have enjoyed being part of this evangelistic ministry as a student and seeing how it has changed not only my life but the lives of many other students on the campus. I look forward to seeing how God will continue to move mightily in students’ lives at USF.

Audra Barkwell smiling with flowers in the background